Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Our First Baby Shower

My sweet friend Liza and her mother threw us a wonderful shower this past weekend in Kingsport. It was great to get back together with everyone and catch up. Sometimes it's surreal to think we all have children! We were so blessed by everyone that came and you were all too generous! Thank you girls again SO much! Enjoy the pics!

Liza's beautiful artistic cake with Addison's little monogram

Liza's mom cutting the cake - the food was wonderful!

Mom, Whitney, and Becky

Liza, Heather, and Annette (Heather's mom)

Christmas Party

Christmas is always filled with lots of parties and this one we were able to share with our friends Ashley and Phillip. Ashley is 1 month ahead of me and due in February - we have had a lot of fun sharing the pregnancy experience together!

After dinner they gave everyone $20,000 to play with - too bad it wasn't real! I hate to gamble because it always makes me nervous, but with fake money it was lots of fun! We finally got Ashley and Phillip away from the craps table to a game that was easy enough for even me to play - Blackjack - we had so much fun and we all left with a prize!

Oh Christmas Tree

With Addison coming in a few months, I have started nesting like crazy - I panicked that the baby room wasn't done so we've been working on it hard and heavy....well, let's be honest - my poor mom and sister have been slaving away over paint for the last 4 days making the walls perfect for our little sweetie. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family that is willing to give all their days off and many LATE nights to make everything special. So, with that being said, I was having a hard time getting motivated to get my Christmas decorations out so mom came to the rescue again and came to help ol' preggo get into the Christmas spirit! Here are a few pics of our work!

(I know she's not here yet, but she already has her own little tree! Pink and green of course to match her room!)

Finally blogging again!

We traveled back out to Oklahoma about a month or so ago to visit our Okie family and share my "baby bump" with them - we miss you guys so much! I can't believe they are all getting ready to graduate and be full-fledged doctors! These are a few pictures from the a) best bowling alley in the world (very clean, no smoking, and always a good time!) and b) Town Branch (an old stompin ground - I think I've done some of my best kareoke here..haha!)

Beth and I at town branch - isn't she a cutie?

The boys cheesin' - Zach, Nate, and Chad

The gals - Misty, Taran, and me

These two always have to take a "too cool" picture looking like they are in deep thought :) Zach was the blowing champ so I'm sure he's thinking how bad he's going to spank Chad in this game!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Eye Doctor

I've seen this before but I love it - it's so fitting I couldn't help but post it - go ahead, get all your eye doctor jokes out :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Idea For Christmas

My friend Stephanie posted this on her blog and I absolutely love it - go to and click to play the video. What if we all changed the way we think about Christmas - would we enjoy it more, find it more fulfilling, see more of "Christ" in Christmas? I think so. As we plan our holiday season, I wish in my heart more people would look at Christmas this way. Enjoy!

Friday, November 14, 2008

3-D Ultrasound

Last week we went to get another ultrasound - so mom could make sure she is a girl - and we got to see her in 3-D!! It was so much fun - just watching her for about an hour move around, yawn, etc. She was just beautiful - it was amazing! Here are a few pics from our session.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Truth Project

Hey everybody - just wanted to ask you all to pray for our bible study group. We are getting ready to start the "Truth Project" and we are really excited about what God has to teach us. I believe we are really going to be challenged on what we believe and why. Just pray that we will make time in our busy schedules to really focus on what God has in store for us and that He will use this study to make us better disciples. If you are interested in the study there's more info at

P.S. More "belly pics" to come - it's gettin' out there, we just keep forgetting to take them! I know you're all waiting now on the edge of your seat...haha!

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's A Girl!! (Or at least they think for now!)

We had our 18 week ultrasound a few weeks ago and I had not gotten a chance to post the pics. Looks like lots of pink in our future!! I love it! I still want a boy at some point, but the little girl clothes are so precious I can hardly stand it....her closet is 1/3 full already...I know, I am a little out of control! Keep this sweet little girl in your prayers.
Looks like she's going to be a "thumb-sucker"!

I'm not sure what part of this little booty shot let's you know it's a girl, but that's what the Dr. said!

Look how wonderful she is - Zach thinks she's going to be an athlete with those long legs (only if she makes it through mom with bows and dresses!)

Head shot

Tiny, precious little feet!

I honestly don't know how anyone can go through having a baby and not believe in God - it is so amazing how detailed she is already - isn't He a wonderful creator?! I am overwhelmed with love for this little girl already!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is a Howard Stern show (who I usually don't like) but he had this great segment. This guy went to Harlem and asked people who they were going to vote for - they all say Obama but then agree with everyone of McCain's policies - it's really unbelievable. At first it was funny but then it just made me mad b/c there are so many people who vote this way. My friend Neil and I think there should be a quick test after you vote over a couple things your candidate believes in - if you can't pass, you're vote doesn't count...what do you think??! Enjoy.

Check this out....actually, it's too sad to be funny > >

Stroller, Car Seats, and Beds, Oh My!

Baby Advice Needed!! OK guys - we have entered into the world of picking out baby stuff and wow, am I overwhelmed! What car seat, what stroller, what highchair, furniture, etc.??? I read all these articles that tell you different ones are safer, easier to use, etc. but they all say something different. I trust all you real mamas out there and am begging for your advice. The main things I'm looking at right now are strollers and car seats so any of your advice would be appreciated!! Thanks!
-New mama

Monday, October 13, 2008

Update for all you mommies out there

Physicians' group recommends doubling daily vitamin D intake for children.The New York Times /AP (10/13, A14) reports, "The country's leading group of pediatricians is recommending that children receive double the usually suggested amount of vitamin D because of evidence that it might help prevent serious diseases." The American Academy of Pediatrics is now recommending that children take 400 units daily in response to "mounting research about potential benefits from vitamin D besides keeping bones strong." The group's advice "replaces a 2003 academy recommendation for 200 units daily." In addition, the government advisory group responsible for setting "dietary standards is discussing with federal agencies whether the recommendations should be changed based on the new research." Still, although some research has shown that vitamin D "might reduce the risk for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease," the AP notes that "the evidence is not conclusive, and there is no consensus on how much of the vitamin would be needed for disease prevention."

Researcher urges government agencies to revise vitamin D recommendations. UPI (10/11) reported that researcher Anthony Norman, of the University of California-Riverside, "is calling for a sea change in how governmental agencies advise people to take vitamin D," because he insists that nearly "half of the elderly in North America are not getting enough vitamin D to maintain healthy bone density, lower their fracture risk, and improve tooth attachment." He also said that the "deficiency is associated with...increased risk for colorectal, prostate, and breast and other major cancers," according to a statement published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Baby Bump Pics

OK - even though it pains me to do it, it has been requested that I post some "baby bump" pics. I don't know how long I'll be brave enough to show any more "bare tummy" pics, but here you really is amazing the difference in 6 weeks! (Or maybe that's just too many bags of chips and bowls of ice cream!)

Eight weeks - me "trying" to have a baby bump!

14 1/2 weeks

I have to give a shout out to Zach - he really hates taking pictures and since I'm a perfection Nazi you can imagine how much fun he was having - I am married to one patient man! You did great babe!

Baby Shower Diaper Cake

There's not much more I love these days than going to a baby shower. We had one at work for one of the girls and I had to share my "diaper cake" with you - I started making them about a year ago and I've never taken any pictures - they're so fun to make and always turn out differently.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

God's Amazing Blessing

Well, we have been keeping it to ourselves for long enough - I'm pregnant again!! I am 13 weeks today (March 10) - only a million to go! I have been much "sicker" this time which I hear is "good news" but am excited to get to 16-20 weeks when some of that should get a little better. Zach and I are just thrilled...we decided to wait a little longer to spill the beans this time, but couldn't wait any longer...well, at least I couldn't - Zach says I couldn't keep a secret from myself! Only 6 more weeks to find out boy or girl - the vote so far has been "boy" so if it's a girl it will be even more of a surprise. I am already starting to show a little which is exciting and disheartening at the same time - finding clothes that fit for work are getting more difficult by the day! (Maternity clothes are still way too big right now for the most part). I have however discovered maternity pants and am not sure if I will ever go back - any of you who are brave enough need to encourage me NOT to continue to wear these 6 months after the baby gets here!!

I think my favorite part so far was when Zach got to go to my last appointment and he heard the heartbeat for the first time - just the look on his face was priceless - I don't think he stopped smiling for an hour! He hasn't been to an ultrasound yet due to work, but he will be there in six weeks when we find out the sex. I will keep you all posted - please keep this precious little one in your prayers!!

It's unbelievable how the little sweetie went from what looked like a dustball on the first ultrasound at six weeks and only the size of a sesame seed to this - a real baby and already the size of a lime - only 6 weeks later!

This one is where he/she rolled over and waved - how adorable! I just kept telling the nurse "Isn't it beautiful - isn't it precious?" and I know she was thinking "Everyone thinks there's is precious and beautiful!" I just don't know how anyone can go through bearing a child and not believe in God's wonderful creation and His miracles....I am so grateful for this life He has given to us!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Amazing child

You have to watch this video - AMAZING 5 yo golf prodigy that has been through an amazing journey in life. All you golf fans will love it!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Golf, Golf, and more Golf

I know I complain at times about "small-town living" but we truly live in a BEAUTIFUL place! These are some pics from a day of golf with the hubby...don't get too excited - I did not play - I'm in the cart cheering him on, taking pictures, reading a book, etc.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Shadow Puppets on steroids :)

You guys have to check out this awesome video - these people are amazing!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

2 Wonderful Moments On Vacation

Do I need to say more with this picture - I'm pretty sure Amy and I were taking it much more serious than the guys??! I love you guys and love every minute we get to be together - why does Memphis have to be so far away?!

These are from our beach far one of the most fabuluous hours I have every spent!