Friday, October 2, 2009

My baby girl turned 6 months old a few weeks ago - still only 14 lb 13 oz but she's 26 inches - long and skinny (not sure where she got that from!) She's is turning into quite the little girl and I feel like my little baby is growing up too fast already. She can hardly sit still and is dying to crawl - not much longer! Here are a few shots from the past month of "life with Addison'!

Getting her to even sit in the chair for 2 seconds is a challenge now!

Brady and Addison are good buddies....well, I would say that Addison probably likes Brady a little more than he likes her - he's just not too sure about all the "ear pulling" just yet. But she still thinks he's hilarious!

He just loves to lick her ears...yum, yum!

I don't know what kind of face this is, but it's so funny!

Mommy finally got around to hanging her swing - she just loves swinging!

Exersaucer's are a Godsend...anything that can entertain a baby for nearly an hour is my hero!

A Georgia Dawg and his girl

Addison absolutely LOVES veggies, but fruits she could go without..go figure! I think they are a little too "tart" for her but we love to watch her eat them because she makes the greatest faces. She's doing much better with them now - these are from her first apples.

What part of "I don't like these" don't you people understand?!

Ever since she learned to roll over, she sleeps booty in the air....just makes ya want to pat it!

First carrots - she loved them....too bad they didn't love her!

This is what we resort to when she's tired and mommy needs to get some things done

Miss Hollywood

Uncle Earl's 80th Birthday

We were honored to share my great Uncle Earl's 80th birthday with him this year. They traveled down from Michigan and we threw him a "surprise" party at Eastman Cabins. They got to meet Miss Addison for the first time and all the family (minus workin' girl Whitney) got to reunite. Addison even had a few "firsts" this weekend!

First horsy ride

First slide with Mimi

First swing

Addison and her nana - (you can tell by the look on Nana's face she's not proud at all!!)

Addison and Papa

The whole gang minus the honored guests

Even though I hate this picture of myself, I had to post it because all four generations were together - so sweet!

Addison and ol' dad

The honored guest and his cake - gotta love that smile!

It has been WAY too long since I have posted new pics, but between getting a new computer set up and figuring out our new camera, I am just now getting around to it - I apologize for the next million posts! I've got to catch up on the last 3 months!

Does this headband make my hair look poofy?

My sweet angel

"Princess Addison"

I love my jumperoo!

Reading to daddy

Such a messy cereal eater!

Brady obviously thinks this play gym is for him - "excuse me Addison but you're on my toy!"

More to Come!