Thursday, June 25, 2009

Learning how to "Love Well"

I was invited by a sweet friend of mine to join some girls in the "Loving Well" Beth Moore study. It's a great one if you looking for either a really short 4 week bible study or wanting to do a weekend retreat. It's all about learning to love those people in our lives that are easy and (more often) difficult to love. It was so obvious to me that God wanted me in this study at this time in my life. Beth has such a sweet spirit and is so funny and inspirational to learn from. The study has really challenged me to see what is broken in those who "drive me crazy!" God has poured out His perfect, unfailing love to me even though I did not deserve it and therefore we are called to love even the unlovable. Just wanted to share this awesome study with you guys in case you were interested!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

From Oklahoma to Tennessee

Our good friend Chad from Oklahoma stopped through on his way to Raleigh, NC last weekend - he's a "real doctor" now so he's moving to take a new job - YEAH Chad! He's a natural with the ladies of course - just look at Addison!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Fun with Addison

Addison tried the "Jumperoo" for the first time yesterday - we figured since she was holding her head up so much better, this would be fun. She lasted about 20 minutes, the neck got tired and she was over it - but I think she's really going to like it. She LOVES monkeys - there's one on her play gym, one on the mirror in the car, and now one on the Jumperoo - she's a huge fan - gets a big grin on her face everytime she sees Mr Monkey!

When you're feeding a baby, especially one that doesn't love to eat, it takes a while and can get a little what do we do? Turn on the TV and then look what happens...she can't pull herself away from it! We don't let her watch much but I can see I'm already going to have to limit her "TV time"!

I bought some material to make Miss Addison a tutu (which of course Zach loved the idea of...haha!) and so I thought it would make cute pictures - here's a few of us playing around on my day off.

Here she is after laundry in the middle of our towels - naked babies are SO cute!

Well, I should have tried this shot when she was born - I was going for the cute little balled up baby on top of a stack of towels - this 12 pounder's too big for that already (and too squirmy!) Her feet and head were hanging off the stack of towels. I did think this face was so adorable though - I just want to kiss it all over!

It's "Bikini Time"! I will have to get more when she's in the pool but this was from our "try on" session to make sure it fit. Zach still argues that a baby doesn't need a bathing suit, but let's be honest, it's more for me than anything - it doesn't have to be practical!

More fun on the weekend

She was a little tired at this point - can you tell?? Too much shopping with the girls, I guess :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Perils of a Workin' Momma!

OK - so I am mostly writing this to get some feedback from moms out there because I am hoping I am not the only one who feels this way. So I went back to work 4 weeks ago (I can't believe it's been that long!) and at first everything was fine...didn't cry my eyes out the first day back (first step in the right direction!) and actually started feeling a little guilty because I enjoyed being back. Now, only four weeks later, I almost cry everytime I drop her off and I can't stop thinking about her all day long and how I feel like I am missing out on the things she is doing. We're still having some tummy troubles, so her feeding times are still a challenge and I always feel like "if I were just at home with her all day it would be better." Then, when I'm at work I feel like I'm not there enough (now that I'm part time - 3 1/2 days a week) to really get things done and I feel "out of the loop" most of the time. I'm so used to giving everything I do 110% that it's hard juggling two important areas of my life. AAHH! I'm assuming this is normal, but I just need some encouragement that I'm not crazy! We really can't afford for me to quit work and honestly, I went to school for a very long time to do this so I don't really want to give it up either. Guilt if you stay home, guilt if you work all the time. I'm trying so hard to stop worrying and give it to God because I know only He can give me the true encouragement I need and strength to get through each day. Just know if you are going through the same thing, I TOTALLY understand and am here if you need me - it's not easy being a working mommy! Love you guys!