Thursday, November 29, 2007

Merry Christmas to Whitney...EARLY!

I have been dying to put these pics on here for weeks but I was trying to keep this precious pooch a surprise. My sister, Whitney, has been wanting a little puppy for a long time - so being the wonderful sister that I am (haha!) she got her wish for her birthday/Christmas. She named him Riley and he is a Shih Tzu/Poodle mix and extremely precious! It was hard to give him up after having him at our house for 2 weeks. Hopefully she loves him and is not hating me for giving her something to potty train :) Merry Christmas Whitney!
The happy new "mother"!
Of course, the ridiculous hats and costumes have begun :)
This is Riley 90% of the time

When you talk to him he cocks his head to the side and makes the cutest expression - he could really be on a card!
This is a picture from the first night we got him - "pre-bath"
Brady loves his new cousin and is missing him so much - they made great playmates!

My friend Amy had this cute idea - isn't he adorable?

As fun as having Riley has been, Zach and I are realizing that we are not cut out for more puppy potty training, long nights of crying, etc - we'll stick with just Brady for now....the next long nights I hope to have better include a real baby :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Weekend with Friends!

OK - these are a little old, but I got busy and haven't blogged in a while. This is my sweetie on Halloween - he was the cutest little spider!

Waiting for trick-or-treaters!

Zach's brother, Nick, came to visit a few weeks ago and somehow "lost" his toothbrush - sorry Nick!

Our friends Amy and Joe Evans came up this past weekend and we had so much fun with them. Here we are at the Old Mill Restaurant in Pigeon Forge, TN. This was after Amy and I hit the outlets - we are very dangerous together!!

We wish you guys lived closer!

My very best friend :)