Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stroller, Car Seats, and Beds, Oh My!

Baby Advice Needed!! OK guys - we have entered into the world of picking out baby stuff and wow, am I overwhelmed! What car seat, what stroller, what highchair, furniture, etc.??? I read all these articles that tell you different ones are safer, easier to use, etc. but they all say something different. I trust all you real mamas out there and am begging for your advice. The main things I'm looking at right now are strollers and car seats so any of your advice would be appreciated!! Thanks!
-New mama

1 comment:

The Osborne Family said...

I can't comment much on strollers cause all of mine are double--but you really need a carseat that you can take out and pop into a stroller (so you don't have to wake up your sleeping baby when you want to go shopping. They now make them that have accomodate higher weights. You NEED one that will last until they are one! They didn't have the carrier carseats with higher weight limits when ours were born. Otherwise, you will have to buy one that can face forwards or backwards and they are more expensive than just a forward facing carseat. Register for a forward facing seat too (for when they turn one) or your will have to buy it yourself--like we did. We have the Alpha Omega--but they can face either way and are more expensive. Then, you will probably want a very lightweight umbrella stroller for when the baby is older (they are much easier to get in and out of the trunk). If you jog or are planning on starting after the baby is here--you will need a jogging stroller as well. I recommend the BOB (we have a double one). It is AWESOME; My dad got it online. When looking at high chairs--make sure you get one with either a washable seat cover or one you can wipe (hose!!) off. It will get terribly disgustingly gross! When it comes to cribs, don't pay a fortune for one that turns into a toddler bed and then a full size. You won't use it! You will want a prettier bed for your little angel by then. We got vintage looking white iron cribs from JC Penny for way less than $200. My friends who have the cribs that make beds have sold theirs in order to buy their kids prettier furniture. Read the ratings for products at Babies R Us online (mothers give very honest opinions about products they like or don't like) That is how I picked my highchair. Hope this helps a little.