Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Our First Baby Shower

My sweet friend Liza and her mother threw us a wonderful shower this past weekend in Kingsport. It was great to get back together with everyone and catch up. Sometimes it's surreal to think we all have children! We were so blessed by everyone that came and you were all too generous! Thank you girls again SO much! Enjoy the pics!

Liza's beautiful artistic cake with Addison's little monogram

Liza's mom cutting the cake - the food was wonderful!

Mom, Whitney, and Becky

Liza, Heather, and Annette (Heather's mom)

Christmas Party

Christmas is always filled with lots of parties and this one we were able to share with our friends Ashley and Phillip. Ashley is 1 month ahead of me and due in February - we have had a lot of fun sharing the pregnancy experience together!

After dinner they gave everyone $20,000 to play with - too bad it wasn't real! I hate to gamble because it always makes me nervous, but with fake money it was lots of fun! We finally got Ashley and Phillip away from the craps table to a game that was easy enough for even me to play - Blackjack - we had so much fun and we all left with a prize!

Oh Christmas Tree

With Addison coming in a few months, I have started nesting like crazy - I panicked that the baby room wasn't done so we've been working on it hard and heavy....well, let's be honest - my poor mom and sister have been slaving away over paint for the last 4 days making the walls perfect for our little sweetie. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family that is willing to give all their days off and many LATE nights to make everything special. So, with that being said, I was having a hard time getting motivated to get my Christmas decorations out so mom came to the rescue again and came to help ol' preggo get into the Christmas spirit! Here are a few pics of our work!

(I know she's not here yet, but she already has her own little tree! Pink and green of course to match her room!)

Finally blogging again!

We traveled back out to Oklahoma about a month or so ago to visit our Okie family and share my "baby bump" with them - we miss you guys so much! I can't believe they are all getting ready to graduate and be full-fledged doctors! These are a few pictures from the a) best bowling alley in the world (very clean, no smoking, and always a good time!) and b) Town Branch (an old stompin ground - I think I've done some of my best kareoke here..haha!)

Beth and I at town branch - isn't she a cutie?

The boys cheesin' - Zach, Nate, and Chad

The gals - Misty, Taran, and me

These two always have to take a "too cool" picture looking like they are in deep thought :) Zach was the blowing champ so I'm sure he's thinking how bad he's going to spank Chad in this game!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Eye Doctor

I've seen this before but I love it - it's so fitting I couldn't help but post it - go ahead, get all your eye doctor jokes out :)