Saturday, May 30, 2009

Uncle Mike Turns the Big 5-0!

Last weekend we celebrated my uncle's 50th birthday. He thought we were all going to eat but little did he know we had been preparing for his party all day! He was so surprised! Here are a few pics from the party.

Almost 3 months old! I can't believe it!

Reading one of his many hilarious cards - looks pretty good for 50, huh? Sorry ladies, he's taken!

Aunt Kristie successfully getting Addison to finish her bottle - thanks!

Aunt Jane with her sweetie

Mike and Whitney

These are a couple randoms - I love this one because this is what I see when she wakes up - so adorable - I wish I had a video of all the stretching that goes on!

Zach and I went to Asheville for a quick trip (4 year anniversary). We had lots of fun and I survived our first night away from the baby :)


Zach, Kate, Odin and Grey Osborn said...

I just can't get over how much she looks like Zach!! So cute.

Sara said...

Oh, we still haven't been able to do a whole night away from Magda! You look great, & your sweet baby is so beautiful! They grow sooo fast!!! We miss y'all!