Thursday, February 5, 2009

Update on Addison

For those of you I haven't talked to in a few weeks, we went for my regular appointment a couple weeks ago and when the doctor measured my belly, Addison was measuring smaller than she should (I was 33 weeks and she was measuring only 30). Heartbeat and movements were great, but since she was outside the "norm" they wanted to check her a little closer. They sheduled us for a growth ultrasounds which we thought was supposed to be this week, but after getting up at 5am and driving to Johnson City by 7:30am, her mommy had a blonde moment and the appointment is actually next week (Feb 10). So, with a few tears (of course since I'm pregnant, slightly emotional, and treasure every ounce of sleep I get!) Zach and I headed off for a long day of work. We will update you next Tuesday with the results of the ultrasound.....just keep little girl in your prayers!


The Osborne Family said...

I'm sure she is just perfect--but we are praying just the same. You are almost there!

Yo Mama said...

It's hard not to worry. We are thinking of you guys and keeping you in our prayers. I bet everything will be just fine. Just eat some more cookies. Emotional eating always does wonders for me. :)

The Hill Family said...

You are definitely in our prayers! I'm sure everything is just fine!! I would take Katie's advice - more eating (for some reason sour patch kids have been getting me through my pregnancy!)

Stephanie said...

oh, I am sorry you have to worry. I will pray right this second.
I cannot wait until you are holding your perfect, petite Addison in your arms!!

The Pumphrey's said...

katie - I want you to know that I made those delicious sweets from your blog and can't control myself so i am definitely emotional eating!! Thanks for the recipe and the advice!

Stephanie said...

Can we get an update on the update?