Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 38 Update

This whole pregancy I have been so happy that I haven't suffered like many new moms with the swelling - well, welcome to week 38! My feet and ankles look like those of an elephant...just lovely! Everything went well at our appt on Wednesday, but she wants to check the fluid in my placenta again so we'll be having another ultrasound next week (Thursday). If it's looking low she said she may induce me early, otherwise we'll have another week or so. I hadn't progressed at all and Addison is still sitting very high (not even dilated 1 cm!!) I am working my last day tomorrow so please pray that I will not go crazy at home...more importantly that I can make myself sit next week with my feet up and not run around trying to nest. Most importantly, just pray she gets here safely!! Love you all and thank you SO much for your prayers during this entire "wild ride"!


Yo Mama said...

Arrggghhhh, I hate the end of pregnancy. Do you have that crazy runny nose/cold thing as well? I always get that near the end. Sorry about the swelling. The nice part is that you lose it within days after she is born, and you'll totally feel (and be) a skinny bunny.

The Pumphrey's said...

YES!! I thought it might just be the weather but it's been going on for the last week or so - I am so glad I'm not alone :)

deb said...

Uggghhh, I hated those swollen ankles! At my 40 week appointment, I was barely 1 cm. I went into labor the next day on my own! It just goes to show it could be any time. Hope it's soon for you. :)

Zach, Kate, Odin and Grey Osborn said...

Don't worry if you have to be induced, the drugs are fabulous. I was 0% effaced and 0 cm dilated when they started my pitocin drip at 6am and I had Odin at 5:25 -- they are amazing. I hope you go on your own though. Love ya.